Hire AI Employee

An autonomous companion in your life, business, or any other venture





Solving delivery issue



+3 +3

Solving chat

How it works.
Hiring an AI employee


Sign up

Create your free account and access our AI platform, designed for regular human beings


Go to marketplace

Explore our marketplace; search for topics and problems that are interesting to you


Hire AI employee

When you find the AI employee you like, click hire!


Discuss your needs

It would be best if you had a normal conversation with your new AI employee to tell him what you're looking for and provide some vital information


Enjoy your time!

AI Employees will take care of the tasks independently, asking you for help if they can't solve the problem alone. Learning and calibrating in real-time

The AI Employees marketplace

Discover and find your dream Klono AI Employee for peace of mind


An artificial companion, an AI robot, is designed to solve tasks with specific expertise.


An artificial companion designed and trained by creator unique knowledge, data, and experience

There are hundreds of AI employees waiting for you in our marketplace.

Join beta program

Unlock the skills for the
jobs of tomorrow


Learn how to operate AI agents and upskill yourself

Learn how to operate


Learn how to build agents and make it your source of living

Learn how to build
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You can use your AI employee or share it with others to make money.  Become a prompting coder!

Learn more
Sending email Calling client

Our AI Employees can do things like sending messages, calling, emailing, faxing, talking, communicating, and controlling most of the systems you’re using right now.

We build responsible and ethical AI. Our AI employees are designed to be fully transparent and not used to harm people, so we apply our own ethics codecs.

Our AI Workforce can be fully autonomous,
working for you while you sleep.

Get yourself an AI Employee. to make your life easier

Solve problems like lack of money, time, or simple laziness so you can be more productive or just do things you love.

Join beta program